New to Bolton Road?

Welcome to Bolton Road Methodist Church

Welcome banner
When you arrive at church our welcome team in the foyer will be happy to answer any questions you have.

Please fill in a ‘welcome slip’ if you would like us to visit you or would like further information. Or just email the minister via the church website.

Coming with children?

ChildrenThey will probably enjoy the Sunday Club much more than staying with you in the service. Children start by sitting with their parents or friends in the Worship Area and then leave after about 15 minutes, usually just after the collection – but it’ll be obvious when. However, about once a month the service is “all-age” during which, as the name suggests, the children stay in.

Baby If you have a young child with you and he or she starts to make a bit of noise, please don’t worry about it. If you feel they would be happier to have some “time out” from the service then there’s a crèche room on the left as you leave the Worship Area where you can still see and hear the service. There are also baby changing facilities here. There are some cotton bags of toys on hooks by the crèche door you can take into the service if you wish.

Wear a hearing aid?

Hearing aid

If you wear a hearing aid you’ll be pleased to know there’s a Loop system – but please sit towards the left or right of the Worship Area as there’s a dead spot near the centre aisle.

In a wheelchair or have difficulty standing?

WheelchairThe building is wheelchair accessible and there’s a disabled toilet in the foyer, opposite the gents. In the worship area, please sit somewhere you’ll be able to see the screen when everyone else stands up, such as near the front or just to the left of the aisle. If you’re in a wheelchair then someone will be pleased to remove a chair for you to make a space wherever you would like to sit.

This is what happens at our morning service

Worship area

• People wander into the Worship Area before the start of the service and sit down. Don’t worry about sitting in someone’s usual chair as there aren’t any reserved seats in church!

• At 10:30am a church steward and the preacher, come in. The steward will say a few words of introduction and maybe make an announcement that hasn’t made it on to the printed notice-sheet you should have been given when you came in.

• The preacher will then lead the service. The preacher will often be our minister, Rev. Kathy Selby, but may also be a Methodist Local Preacher or another minister.

• The service consists of songs (both contemporary and traditional), prayers, readings from the Bible and teaching. Sometimes there’s also video clips, drama, puppets, meditative prayers and other things. Each part of the service will be introduced and there’s no set order so you won’t be expected to know what happens next.

• The words to the songs, Bible passages and set prayers will be displayed on the screens, so you won’t need any books or bits of paper or your reading glasses. However, paper copies, including large print song books, are available for anyone who has difficulty reading from the screen – please ask.

Holy Communion banner• About once a month we have Holy Communion , also called the Lord’s Supper, as part of the morning service, which is when we remember that Jesus sacrificed himself for us. We do this by doing what Jesus told his disciples to do: to eat bread to remember that his body was broken for us and to drink wine to remember that his blood was shed for us. The wine we use is non-alcoholic and gluten free wafers are available. Everyone who loves Jesus is very welcome to receive Holy Communion at this church, including children of all ages.

After the service

Praying hands

Personal prayer is offered for healing, comfort, strengthening and guidance. If you would like someone to pray with you, then make your way to the circle of chairs on the left hand side at the front of the Worship Area by the banner on the wall that says “Ask and you shall receive”.

cup of tea

If you have time, please join us in the Lounge (turn right when you leave the Worship Area) for coffee, tea, squash and biscuits (and there’s sometimes cake as well!) as we’d love to get to know you.

For further information, please email the minister via the website or at:
